All of the Sunshine favorites with FREE SHIPPING

About the Sunshine
The first and most important ingredient I place in every recipe is LOVE. I always suggest cooking for your family from a place of happiness and love. If you do, everything you cook will taste scrumptious. Do not compare yourself to anyone else. Each time I cook I start by taking a few deep breaths and clearing my mind. I think about whom I’m cooking for and why I’m cooking. I sometimes think about a memory I have about the first time I ate the dish I’m about to prepare. This gives me a moment in time to re-center myself from the hustle and bustle of the day. There will be times in your life when you cook from a place of necessity, and you will treat cooking as a task to check off your to-do list. It is in those times your food will serve its purpose to nourish the body, but it will not taste as good. You will eat it anyway! I’ve tried throughout my life to limit the number of times my family had to eat food that I prepared from a place of a task. However, all humans are flawed. I pray you find these recipes as a vessel to feed your family from a place of love.
Love you all
Thank you for the ongoing support to grow our community and love each other
Much Love,
Melissa Sunshine

Melissa Sunshine and the Mister